Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

A message from His Grace Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Donald J. Trump’s victory in the electoral competition for the Presidency of the United States of America constitutes a historic moment in the dramatic events of the present and marks a formidable setback for the criminal plan of the New World Order.

I express my warmest congratulations to President Trump, while I thank Our Lord for having prevented the United States and the Western world from definitively falling into the tentacles of the deep state and globalist tyranny.

The battle against the subversive elite of psychopathic criminals who hold the West hostage is not over; it now begins.

I urge American Catholics and all Christians to pray for President Trump, so that the Lord may protect him in this transition phase towards taking office in the White House, guiding him in the unavoidable eradication of the lobby of corrupt and perverted people subservient to the deep state. His determined action against the psychopathic criminals who hold the West hostage is not over; it now begins.

I urge American Catholics and all Christians to pray for President Trump, so that the Lord may protect him in this transition phase toward taking office in the White House, guiding him in the unavoidable eradication of the lobby of corrupt and perverted people subservient to the deep state.  His determined action against the traitors of the Nation will also weaken the work of the deep church, which today holds the Catholic Church hostage.

May God bless America.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States