Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

A collection of sermons and reflections from the deanery

Et Reliqua

Check the Dean’s sermons and reflections from past Sundays and holydays.

The name Et Reliqua is taken from the Office of Matins, in which the commentary by the Church Fathers on the Gospel of the day is preceded by part of the Gospel itself.  Rather than read the Gospel in its entirety, only the first sentence is included, followed by the words, Et Reliqua, translated into English as “And so on and that which followeth.”

8th Sunday after Pentecost

Commending The Unjust Steward

Today’s Gospel isn’t the easiest of our Lord’s parables to understand.  We have the story of the unjust steward who wastes his master’s goods.  When he’s told he may no longer be steward, the man has to think fast to avoid financial ruin.  So he changes the figures on the

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8th Sunday after Pentecost

Wiser Than The Children Of Light

I was looking this afternoon for a modern example of an unjust steward, someone who, like the protagonist in today’s Gospel parable, makes friends with the mammon of unrighteousness to achieve a higher purpose.  I didn’t have to look far. At 4pm on Saturday afternoon, I turned for inspiration to

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7th Sunday after Pentecost

Knowing The Wolves That Raven

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Well, there’s some good news this week.  That message about wolves in sheep’s clothing that I’ve been talking about regularly for a long time now—the time has come when we no longer need

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7th Sunday after Pentecost

Interesting Times

There’s an ancient Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.”  I think we’d all agree that we do live in interesting times, much too interesting.  Both Church and State give us cause for great anxiety.  First, we get the news that Archbishop Vigano is being excommunicated for having called

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6th Sunday after Pentecost

State Of The Union

If today were any other day than Sunday, we would be celebrating the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle.  This great saint was martyred on June 29 in Rome along with St. Peter, and this week we will continue celebrating the octave of their feast.  Saints Peter and Paul are,

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6th Sunday after Pentecost

Princes Of The Church

As we celebrate the feast and octave of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul this week, our attention turns to the Eternal City of Rome.  For it was here that the two apostles were martyred on the same day of June 29 in the year of our Lord 67.  At

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Archbishop Vigano


“But even if we or an angel from heaven     Should preach to you a gospel other than the one that we preached to you,     let that one be accursed.     As we have said before, and now I say again,     if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one

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5th Sunday after Pentecost

Who Is He That Will Harm You?

Did you ever wake up one morning and suddenly realize that the world is completely upside down?  Probably not, it’s usually a gradual process that instills itself in our awareness as one element after another of order and beauty in our life disappears to be replaced by ugliness and chaos. 

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Archbishop Vigano

Attendite A Falsis Prophetis

Announcement regarding the start of the extrajudicial criminal trial for schism (Art. 2 SST; can. 1364 CIC) The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime

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4th Sunday after Pentecost

Sufferings And Glory

As you can see, we’re back in green vestments again after all the color changes of Lent, Easter and Pentecost.  You might be wondering what this new season is called.  It’s the longest season of the year, stretching from Trinity Sunday all the way to Advent.  But does it have

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4th Sunday after Pentecost

Bless Us, O Lord

One of our best-loved and yet often neglected traditions as Catholics is that of praying before and after we eat.  We call this prayer Grace Before (or After) Meals.  The word grace, as applied to prayer over food, means “thanksgiving” (from the Latin gratiarum actio and the Italian grazie, “thanks”). 

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Sacred Heart

The Lost Sheep

A hundred sheep.  One goes missing.  Is this such a big deal?  After all, that’s a lot of sheep, so many that you’d have a hard job counting them all before you fell asleep.  But to a shepherd, at least to a true shepherd, the loss of just one single

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Sacred Heart

Blest Sacrament of Unity (2)

The success of the Devil and his masonic agents in the highest positions of the Church has meant that we find ourselves today in the most perilous circumstances ever faced by the Catholic faithful.  At no time before in our history have we been without the comfort of knowing that

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Corpus Christi


We’re very happy on this Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi to welcome two young men to the Communion Rail for the first time.  Here they will receive the closest union with God that is possible in this physical and material world.  It is their first taste of divinity,

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A painting of jesus standing on top of a mountain.
Corpus Christi

Blest Sacrament Of Unity (I)

There have been many conspiracies in the turbulent history of mankind.  Two of them, however, may be described as the most important, decisive and consequential of them all.  The first was against one man, and only one man, namely our Lord Jesus Christ.  It was planned by the Jewish high

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Trinity Sunday

God’s Unsearchable Judgments

We have a lot of words that ask a question.  We call them interrogatives—who, when, where, which, what, how, and so forth.   Most of them require very short answers.  When is Mass next Sunday?  10 o’clock.  Where is the church?  Urbana.  Who’s saying Mass?  Fr. Hall.  But probably the most

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A painting of jesus and two angels on a yellow background.
Trinity Sunday

O Depth Of Riches!

When our blessed Lady gave the Rosary to St. Dominic, she bestowed upon us all the gift of a perfect prayer.  The mysteries of the Rosary are divided up into three categories—joyful, sorrowful and glorious—each of which we can relate to in terms of our own life both in this

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Pentecost Sunday

We Will Come Unto Him

There is only one event in the Gospels where our blessed Lord shows true anger.  Certainly, he criticizes the Pharisees quite a few times, but his words, while severe and condemnatory, are not those of an enraged man venting out his wrath.  But then there’s the time he comes into

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Pentecost Sunday

Speaking In Tongues

God does not perform miracles without a purpose.  Miracles are not conjuring tricks for the entertainment of those watching.  Never once will you find our blessed Lord performing a miracle in order simply to impress someone.  Indeed, when Pilate sent him to King Herod, this man was very keen to

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A man in a black and red robe is standing in front of pillars.
Archbishop Vigano

Pentecost 2024

Hostem Repellas Longius Homily on Whitsunday By His Grace Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò We implore Thee! O forgiving SPIRIT, now descend again, Aid Thy own in holy living, Aid, also, unknowing men; Come and re-create; revive Dead hearts doubting and in sins; Vanquish and the vanquished give, Divine reward, Thyself

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Et Reliqua


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