Lent, as we all know, begins on the Wednesday following Quinquagesima Sunday. Carnival time officially ends at the stroke of midnight on Mardi Gras, and our penances begin immediately. The first ceremony of the Lenten season is the blessing and imposition of ashes, a practice that was common among the peoples of the Old Testament in times of national emergencies such as war and imminent invasion, and whenever they found themselves in dire straits and sought the mercy of God.
Below is a useful list of the reasons why we receive ashes at the beginning of Lent. We should read it carefully to remind ourselves that the imposition of ashes is not merely a quaint custom but more importantly the opening of our mind to everything we should be doing to make a good Lent.
Reasons Why We Receive Ash
- A reminder of our origin from dust.
- A sign of Repentance and/or Penance.
- A sign of our Humility.
- Accepting our nothingness without God.
- A reminder that God is our Creator.
- A sign of the transforming power of God, who can change dust into living human beings.
- A reminder of the inevitability of Change and Death.
- A sign of our Commitment to Self-Denial and Obedience to God’s Will.
- A sign of Hope in God’s Mercy and Love.