Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

Perhaps nothing better exemplifies the depths to which our society has sunk than the pathetic interruptions made to this year’s traditional Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City.  Since 1924 Macy’s Department Store has been sponsoring this event which has become inextricably linked to the opening of the Christmas shopping season.  Children from all over the country come with their parents to witness a parade filled with giant balloons, magical floats, musical extravaganzas and the highlight of the day, the arrival of Santa Claus riding in on the biggest float of all, complete with elves, reindeer and of course Mrs. Claus cheerily waving to the crowds.  Movies like Miracle on 34th Street have turned the spectacle into nothing less than an essential part of our Thanksgiving Day, as familiar and comforting as the turkey dinner itself.

While we’re distantly aware that the scene is driven these days by rank commercialism, and that the joyful day of giving thanks to God has been usurped by the following “Black Friday” sales, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has nevertheless become a welcome tradition.  Even if we are no longer so enthusiastic about watching it on TV, we still find comfort in knowing that it’s happening with or without us.

And yet this year the woke minority has conspired to see how they can introduce their hate-filled agenda of victimhood into this magical scene.  Instead of cheering the arrival of Santa Claus, our little ones this year were treated to dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters dashing in front of floats and reindeer, shouting obscenities and offensive anti-Jewish slogans as they glued themselves to the pavement.  As usual, the woke left have absolutely no hesitation in their warped minds destroying the innocent pleasures of others, even children, in order to push their message in our faces.  For them, Thanksgiving is for white supremacists to gorge themselves on too much food while others starve, to smugly worship their non-existent God while across the globe they oppress the ‘poor innocent’ soldiers of Hamas.

What a great shame it is that they cannot set aside their self-induced feelings of oppression and victimhood and join in the festivities that mark the beginning of the holiday season.  For these people, alas, there is no Joy to the World, no little town of Bethlehem, no Messiah born upon a midnight clear.  For them, a White Christmas is merely racist.

The reasons are obvious… once they have deliberately and whole-heartedly removed any idea of a loving God from their soul, the so-called progressives are left with no moral compass other than the satisfaction of their own out-of-control ideals.  Right and wrong have no objective meaning, and so “right” becomes simply “what I want”, while “wrong” turns into anything that prevents me getting my own way.  Their invisible lord, Satan, could not be happier with them.


The abomination of desolation spoken of by our Lord in today’s Gospel is more visible today than at any point in human history.  Wherever we look, we see it.  From the churches of Rome to the streets and schools of our own towns, the devil reigns supreme.  Can we find peace and good will anywhere?  It is there, but it’s increasingly harder to see.  Any residue of goodness is being systematically rooted out by the woke left and destroyed. Rome has fallen, now follows the world.  Will the Son of Man find faith when he returns?  Surely, the time of his coming approaches.  Lord, have mercy upon us!