Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Well, there’s some good news this week.  That message about wolves in sheep’s clothing that I’ve been talking about regularly for a long time now—the time has come when we no longer need to sort out the real sheep from the wolves who are disguised as sheep.  This week, Bergoglio took off his gloves.  Not only his gloves but his whole sheep costume and revealed himself for the true wolf that he is.  Now we can all see with perfect clarity that he is not the meek and mild little lamb who humbly follows the Good Shepherd.  Now, both inwardly and outwardly, he can be seen for the ravening wolf that he is.  That sheep costume must have been a bit too heavy maybe, keeping him from doing his ravening as he would like.  He has discarded it once and for all, and never again will he be mistaken for a member of Christ’s flock.  Now we can clearly see his true purpose, which is to destroy the members of Christ’s flock.  Like his master the Devil, he is now free to go about, as St. Peter says, as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

His current victim of choice is the man who has been a thorn in his side for the past few years, the man who recognizes him as a usurper on the throne of the most blessed Peter, as an apostate whose one and only purpose is to seek the complete destruction of the Catholic Church.  On the Fourth of July, there gathered in Rome a whole pack of wolves, some bogus arm of the schismatic Church of Vatican II, and they actually issued a solemn declaration of excommunication on His Grace Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.

As I said, this is good news.  It is a clarification for those who need it, that there is a line drawn in the sand.  On one side of the line there is Jorge Bergoglio.  This is a man who denies the existence of hell (heresy), who says that atheists go to heaven (heresy), who says that couples who live in an adulterous false marriage can go to communion, who wants to reinterpret the dogma of papal infallibility to bring it into line with “modern theology”, who actively promotes unnatural vice and blesses those who openly indulge them.  All these are heresies.  He places statues of false pagan gods like Pachamama before us, encouraging us to break the very first and most basic commandment that we should have no false gods before us.  I ask you—where is the sheep’s clothing in all this?  A mere white cassock?  What you can now plainly see is a vicious and ravening wolf.

On the other side of the line we have His Grace Archbishop Vigano.  He has obviously read today’s Gospel and knows how to apply it.  He understands what our Lord means when he said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”  What is the fruit of Vatican II?  The Archbishop describes Vatican II as the cancer, which has inevitably metastasized into the monster Bergoglio and all his assaults on the Church of God.  Vatican II is the tree and its poisonous fruit is what Catholics have been made to swallow ever since.  It was a corrupt tree, and a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.  We must not only condemn Bergoglio as a usurper, a heretic and an apostate.  We must also firmly condemn the Second Vatican Council of which Bergoglio is the product.  Meanwhile, Archbishop Vigano’s heroic defense of the truths of the Gospel, the Catholic faith and the true Mass are just as obvious as Bergoglio’s enmity towards them.  It’s like those old westerns, where there was no doubt about who were the good guys and who were the bad guys.  You could tell by the color of their hats.  And it has never been clearer who are wearing the black hats and who are wearing the white hats.  There are no more wolves in sheep’s clothing.  There are just wolves and sheep.

We stand at a watershed moment, perhaps the most decisive time in the history of the Catholic Church.  Never before has so much been at stake for the future of the Church and the salvation of souls.  It is the time of the great harvest, when the angels separate the wheat from the chaff.  A line has been drawn between them, and as news of the excommunication came out yesterday, we saw a growing cascade of breaking news blogs on YouTube with traditional Catholic commentators chomping at the bit to share their views.  Eventually, the position of each one will gradually filter through the grapevine and we’ll know where each of them stands, whether it be with Archbishop Vigano and God, or Bergoglio and the Devil.  Let’s keep reminding ourselves that “every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire,” and pray more than ever before that God’s grace will be abundantly instilled in souls the world over, and that all make the only right choice.  Over and over again, let us repeat the words, “Lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy.”