Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

God has consistently sent messengers to tell us what we must do to save our souls.   In the Old Testament he sent prophets to remind the people of God to remain faithful to their laws.  In the New Testament he sent his only-begotten Son, who actually made reparation for all the sins of mankind, before and since.  But in spite of even this display of God’s infinite love for his children, we have turned every one to his own way and we have sinned.  The level of public wickedness has become such that we can no longer survive as a coherent and moral society.  We receive no help from our shepherds who pretend to govern the Church, while our secular society is quite simply falling apart.

Against this barrage of evil being thrown at us in these end times, God has provided a final messenger, one who is so loving, so protective of her children, that we would think no one could turn a deaf ear to her pleas.  Time and again, in various apparitions, our Blessed Lady has warned us that she cannot hold back the righteous arm of her Son for much longer.  She has given three important instructions, firstly that we should say the Rosary fervently and often; secondly, that a written message, the so-called “Third Secret of Fatima” should be made public by 1960 and that a consecration of Russia should be performed by the Holy Father and all the bishops.  The last two instructions were never followed, and now it is too late.  The Third Secret was buried in a Vatican drawer by John XXIII, and even if we were to read the warnings in the Third Secret today, we would probably recognize them as nothing more than a history of Vatican II and its consequences, all pointing towards a future that is more grim than we could possibly imagine.  Meanwhile, the validity and authority of popes and bishops has long ago been usurped by the children of Satan, and there is no leadership in Rome to validly perform the consecration of Russia that our blessed Mother ordered.

In short, two of the three weapons in our armory have become ineffective and of no value.  And this is why we absolutely must make the most of the only other weapon we have, the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Like drowning men and women we grasp at any straw we can, to pull us out of the troublesome waters of these end times.  We are very close to the point of desperation in our fears, anxieties and frustrations, and there is absolutely no excuse for not reaching out for our beads, the only means left by which we may avert catastrophe.  Whether we “feel” better when we say the Rosary or not is irrelevant.  Our Lady hears our petitions and, because of them, continues to hold back that righteous arm of her Son.  Once we stop saying the Rosary, it’s all over!