Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

6397 Holloway Drive
Liberty Township, Ohio 45044

Fr. Bernard G. Hall
(513) 650-0190
[email protected]

Sundays:  4:00 PM
Weekdays:  8:00 AM
Holydays:  10:00 AM

Before Sunday Mass
3:30 – 3:50 PM
and by appointment

By arrangement with Fr. Hall

Be sure to let Fr. Hall know if a church member is sick, hospitalized or in danger of death.

Infant of Prague Chapel Portrait

Infant of Prague Chapel

Infant of Prague Chapel in Liberty Township, Ohio is the headquarters of the Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula.  Private Mass is offered here daily by the Rector, Fr. Bernard G. Hall.

At Infant of Prague Chapel you will find a friendly and authentically traditional place of worship, eager to supply the spiritual and sacramental needs of the faithful who attend.  In return, these faithful are kindly asked to contribute for the financial upkeep and maintenance of the property, as well as for the support of the Rector.

Mass schedule

March 23-30

Sun Mar 23
3rd Sunday in Lent
Alison Meyer
Anthony Passarelli, RIP
Mon Mar 24
St. Gabriel Archangel
Jennifer Arnold
Micah Arnold
Tue Mar 25
Mark Vopelak
Reparation for sins
Wed Mar 26
Matthew Fratantoro
Patrick Magee
Thu Mar 27
St. John of Damascus, CD
Dr. J. Quinn Dorgan
Supplication for favors from the Holy Family
Fri Mar 28
St. John Capistran, C
Bill Cross
Souls in Purgatory
Sat Mar 29
Joseph Berry
Rosemary Berry
Sun Mar 30
4th Sunday in Lent
Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula
Missa pro Populo


March 23

The Annunciation

The week begins tomorrow with the feast of St. Gabriel, the Archangel whom God sent to our blessed Lady to declare unto her that she would conceive by the Holy Ghost and become the Mother of God.  Following this feast of St. Gabriel we continue our focus on our Lord’s Incarnation by celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation.  This very special day has a special liturgical instruction for the priest—at High Mass, when he sits for the Credo, usually just bowing for the words Et incarnatus est…, only on Christmas Day and this feast of the Annunciation, instead of bowing for these words, the priest kneels in solemn remembrance of the anniversary of the Incarnation and Birth of our Lord.  This unique liturgical rubric draws our attention to the importance of these events, and we should celebrate this feast accordingly.  Although the Lenten fast is still observed, it is a good idea to prepare a special meal or do something else out of the ordinary, thereby giving honour to the Blessed Virgin and teaching our children to observe the great feasts of the Church with the appropriate solemnity.

The Great Lenten Fast

The Great Fast of Lent applies to all those between the ages of 21 and 59, requiring them to limit their intake of food to one main meal, at which meat may be taken, and two meatless snacks.  Liquids are not included in the fast, although we should avoid liquids heavy in calories such as soups, milkshakes, smoothies, etc., all of which should be considered as one of our two snacks of the day.

The usual exemptions from the fast apply to those for whom it could be physically harmful, such as expecting and nursing mothers, the sick and those on special medically required diets, those involved in heavy work such as construction, and students.  If in doubt, check with Father!  Children and young people under the age of 21 should be encouraged to participate in the fast in some smaller and voluntary way.  The only binding law for children (7 years and older) is the observance of partial abstinence on the Ember Days of Lent.

Complete abstinence should be observed on Ash Wednesday and the morning of Holy Saturday, and of course on Fridays as usual.  The fast is traditionally dispensed on St. Patrick’s Day.

Holydays of Obligation


WednesdayJanuary 1CIRCUMCISION4:00 PM
ThursdayMay 29ASCENSION10:00 AM
FridayAugust 15ASSUMPTION10:00 AM
SaturdayNovember 1ALL SAINTS10:00 AM
ThursdayDecember 25CHRISTMAS12:00 Midnight