Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

We’re all well aware of the phenomenon that has been sweeping the country for the past few years in which people suddenly make the decision that they are “woke.”  As normal people, we shudder at their rejection of all reality as they vie with each other to invent new mental aberrations with which to undermine the thinking of the ignorant and vulnerable.  Last week, we dealt with the Olympic Games and their motto of Fastest, Highest, Strongest. This week we descend into the realm of the Dumbest, Weirdest, and Wokest.

In today’s Gospel we are presented with the healing of the deaf and dumb man.  His afflictions were not of his own making.  They were genuine deficiencies in his physical makeup that left him unable to hear and speak properly.  Our Lord took pity on him and healed him, “and straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.”  Why, oh why, we ask, does our Lord not heal the woke?  Why does he not make those who are deaf to the voice of reason hear the truth and understand it?  Why does he not make those who are dumb speak plainly with words that make sense?  He does not, simply because he cannot.  God can do anything he wants, of course, but he cannot do that which he does not want to do.  And God does not want to take away his great gift of Free Will.  Certainly, he showers his graces even on the woke, giving them every opportunity to realize the horrors that they perpetrate in the name of an imagined “progress.”  But it is always up to the individual to use those graces appropriately, by surrendering their will to God’s and obeying the laws of God and nature.  If they choose not to, God will not stand in their way.  Such is the will of God and we, as Christians, must accept it for what it is.

We may be amazed at the woke person’s complete lack of common sense, of their refusal to distinguish between what is real and what is merely a product of their imagination or diseased minds.  But we must remember that they are not suffering from some kind of natural affliction like the deaf and dumb man of the Gospel.  They have made the conscious decision to reject the reality that they, like everyone else on the planet, can plainly see by means of their five senses.  Normal people know that there are two genders, male and female.  We know it, not just because we read in Genesis that God created man and woman.  We know it because we have eyes in our head and brains between our ears to observe for ourselves that there are two and only two genders in the animal world.  The woke see fit to dispute this most basic of biological facts, coming up with 57 varieties of gender.  It’s a dangerous concept, not because it contains any element of truth in it (which it so obviously doesn’t).  But by muddying the distinctions between male and female, they create confusion in the minds of the young and gullible as they grow into adulthood and begin thinking of whom to date and eventually marry.  The ultimate objective of the mental chaos they so blithely promote is to further the agenda of Satan and drag more souls down to the fires of hell.

Our righteous indignation must always come back to this fact.  Let us not be distracted by other byproducts of the gender revolution.  Women boxers having to compete with biologically male boxers is ultimately irrelevant.  But souls are being contaminated, and many will be lost if the deaf, dumb and woke of this world are not first brought back to reality.  They have free will.  God cannot heal their ailments until we, his instruments, first convince them to freely choose the right path.