Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The Guild of St. Peter ad Vincula

The success of the Devil and his masonic agents in the highest positions of the Church has meant that we find ourselves today in the most perilous circumstances ever faced by the Catholic faithful.  At no time before in our history have we been without the comfort of knowing that the Church is there to defend our faith and condemn those who would try to attack it.  We can no longer look to the Catholic clergy for support.  We, the sheep of Christ’s pasture, find ourselves with a shepherd who refuses to feed us.  Instead he is hell-bent on ridding the world of the Bread of Life that comes from the true and valid apostolic Mass. He not only ignores the scavenging wolves but joins with then in devouring his flock.

There are of course, still many within the Conciliar Church who still hold to the basic tenets of the Faith.  While some of their beliefs may have become somewhat tenuous, it would not take much for them to resume the old ways as if nothing had happened.  All it takes is leadership, something which, unfortunately, is sadly lacking.  True, there are a few “conservative” bishops out there who cling to their Catholic principles, but almost without exception, they hesitate to take the one step needed to lead us back to our traditional Catholic way of life.  What is that one simple step?  It is to accept the fact that Mr. Jorge Bergoglio is not a valid pope.  To them, this is an unthinkable move, one that will cause that most dreaded of crises—schism!

Schism is indeed a most terrible thing.  It is the ripping apart of the Mystical Body of Christ, the destruction of the unity of the Catholic Church, her oneness that is the first of her four marks by which we may recognize her.  The belief of conservative prelates like Cardinal Burke, Bishops Strickland and Schneider, and of good men like Taylor Marshall, Michael Matt and so many others, is that they must remain loyal to Bergoglio no matter what he says and does.  They will gasp and complain in horror as he worships Pachamama, as he blesses same-sex couples, promotes unnatural vice and attempts to abolish the true Mass—but they will do nothing else.  He is still, they imagine, the “Holy Father”, the Vicar of Christ, although even Bergoglio himself has renounced this title.  They actually think that by condemning him they would be disloyal to Christ himself.  They would be tearing the Catholic Church apart, creating a schism.

What they cannot seem to grasp is that the schism began back in the 1950s with the assault on the liturgy by Freemason Bugnini, and then continued with Vatican II and its false and heretical statements, the new Mass of Paul VI and changes to all the other sacramental rites that removed the certitude of their validity.  The Catholic Church was not only infiltrated by the modernists, it was transformed into a new and very much false and schismatic religion that remained Catholic only in name.  The true Catholic Church went underground and has remained in hiding ever since, still in existence thanks to the courage of men like Archbishop Lefebvre and now Archbishop Viganò.  The clarity of their faith and frankness of their statements show us exactly who the true schismatics are, something which should be obvious to anyone who isn’t blinded by misplaced loyalty to them.  We must pray that all may be enlightened to see that it is their duty to put an end to this schism by denouncing and deposing the schismatic-in-chief Bergoglio and all his co-conspirators.